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Optional UL certified


More technology in the same form – this is the motto of the new REOVIB MFS 368. The new devices consume up to 45% less electricity. This means that they do not only offer a better energy footprint, but also lower operating costs. This has been achieved by reactive power compensation. The lower power consumption is more eco-friendly thanks to the reduction in CO² emissions.

The frequency converters also have impressive effects on the conveying technology, with a wide input voltage range of 99 V to 264 V for a consistent output voltage of 250 V max. They also make it possible to operate the vibratory feeder at the optimal vibration frequency for the conveyed goods, completely independently of the frequency of the supply electrical network. The device can therefore be used worldwide. Where several different conveyors or magnets would have been required in the past, one REOVIB MFS 368 can now get the job done.

It is also possible to automatically determine the resonance frequency of the vibration system and control the vibration amplitude to set it at constant values by implementing the REO-patented ACC control procedure. The benefit of this is that the conveyor automatically works at the optimum conveying capacity independently of the load or mechanical settings. No time-consuming adaptation of the conveyor is required. The new REOVIB MFS 368 means that optimum and maximum conveying performances can be consistently achieved, such as when springs age or with changing mechanical loads or voltage fluctuations.

The new converter has an integrated active network filter, saving on additional costs for an external network filter and reducing power consumption. It also has an LCD display which shows full text. A temperature sensor for magnets can be connected if required to guarantee that there are no failures due to defective magnets and to increase the operational safety of the units.

The devices can be equipped with field bus interfaces if necessary and are also available in designs with UL/CSA certification. This permits simple use without unnecessary effort and tests in units in the USA and Canada.

The devices of the REOVIB MFS 368 series are available with a max. output current of 3 A, 6 A , 8 A as IP20 variant for switch cabinet installation as well as IP54 housing version. The IP54 enclosures can be supplied with various connection options:

  • Input- and output cable
  • Input cable and output plug
  • Completely pluggable with input- and output plug and sensor connectors


  • reduction of harmonics leading to a decrease in mains interferences
  • energy efficiency through reactive power compensation
  • active power is taken from the supply network
  • output voltage of 205 V with an input voltage range from 99 V to 264 V
  • LCD display with full text menu
  • short-circuit detection
  • output current limitation
  • possibility (as an option) of connecting an external thermal contact for temperature monitoring of the magnets
  • extra 24 V valve outlet as an option
  • the Device can be configured according to your requirements

Typical applications

Feed & assembly automation, sieve technology, filling & packaging technology

Technical specifications

* For IP54
*Other frequencies on request

Part numbers (ID#)

DescriptionStandard unit ID#UL listed ID#
MFS 368 3A IP542006368541020063685910
MFS 368 6A IP542006368542020063685920
MFS 368 8A IP542006368543020063685930
MFS 368 3A IP202006368201020063682110
MFS 368 6A IP202006368202020063682120
MFS 368 8A IP202006368203020063682130
UL listed ID#
UL listed ID#
MFS 368 3A DN (DeviceNet)20063682016200636821162006368541620063685916
MFS 368 6A DN (DeviceNet)20063682026200636821262006368542620063685926
MFS 368 8A DN (DeviceNet)20063682036200636821362006368543620063685936
MFS 368 3A DP (Profibus)20063682014200636821142006368541420063685914
MFS 368 6A DP (Profibus)20063682024200636821242006368542420063685924
MFS 368 8A DP (Profibus)20063682034200636821342006368543420063685934
MFS 368 3A EIP (EtherNet/IP)20063682012200636821122006368541220063685912
MFS 368 6A EIP (EtherNet/IP)20063682022200636821222006368542220063685922
MFS 368 8A EIP (EtherNet/IP)20063682032200636821322006368543220063685932
MFS 368 3A PN (Profinet)20063682013200636821132006368541320063685913
MFS 368 6A PN (Profinet)20063682023200636821232006368542320063685923
MFS 368 8A PN (Profinet)20063682033200636821332006368543320063685933
MFS 368 3A EC (EtherCAT)20063682011200636821112006368541120063685911
MFS 368 6A EC (EtherCAT)20063682021200636821212006368542120063685921
MFS 368 8A EC (EtherCAT)20063682031200636821312006368543120063685931
MFS 368 3A CAN 20063682015200636821152006368541520063685915
MFS 368 6A CAN 20063682025200636821252006368542520063685925
MFS 368 8A CAN 20063682035200636821352006368543520063685935

Dimensions MFS 368 IP20 / IP54

For dimensions please click Dimensions-Drawings-MFS-368.pdf.

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